Every day we come across the word comparison either by seeing something or by comparing because we all compare ourselves with everyone. Let me tell you a story about a butterfly who has beautiful wings but she was not knowing that she is beautiful and she always compares herself with everyone and feels bad. One day a person came and told her that she is beautiful. She believed and got happy. It happens with us also we never believe in ourselves. We always compare ourselves with everyone like if someone has more than you then you get sad but you get happy if someone is having less than you. Ask yourself is the correct way No No No
Just you need to see how unique you are and what all abilities you have. It's a reminder to stop comparing yourself and be like where I am, I need to work on myself. Life is not what you see but it's what you live. Enjoy every moment of your life, motivate yourself and when it's a bad day just remember every morning comes after a dark night. The problems are nothing just a thought but we start thinking about the problem more and we stop thinking about the solutions because we get stressed with problems but we don't think in many ways to solve and we just quit. But no, just ask yourself why can't you, who is stopping you. The answer will be you and the problem starts when we think they are happy and we are not. In this world everyone has problems but the problem is nothing when we start thinking about solutions and stop comparing.
The comparison does nothing just put the flame of jealousy but we don't think we are happy where we are. we just need to work on making ourselves happy. In this whole world, the tough task is to make everyone happy because we quit our happiness and feels bad. But why, every day is your day and no one can stop you to achieve your goals and when we stop comparing with everyone we will be happier because the life you have is someone else dream and you have waited for this life. SO, who is stopping you to DO What makes you happy and always smile when a problem comes and try to think in every perspective instead of quitting.
Hope you like it.Thank you for reading
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