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Showing posts from October, 2021

My 9 Rules

1) Never love and care for anyone more than you because no one cares about true love and care. 2) Stop giving more time to the person who doesn't value it. 3)Stop lying to yourself. 4) Stop begging for a time from someone. 5)Gift yourself and date yourself, know more about yourself. 6) Learn to enjoy your own company. 7)Learn from your mistakes. 8) Give your time to the right person. 9) Stop Expecting from anyone instead of that Start Accepting.

Stop Expecting Start Accepting

Things get hurt when we expect someone to do something like this and it starts hurting but we don't accept the things. When something bad happens or we get attracted to someone we start giving them our time but we forget the person who loves or cares for us unconditionally and there they expect from us to do something, their things become messy. Later on. you realize that we did wrong but time flies and we don't realize we are hurting someone by doing the things.                              Life is very long and you hse a long way to go. You can't stop yourself because you didn't choose to quit, you chose to stay and fight. everything is in destiny but if we don't try that will be wrong because nothing is permanent and if you bind someone with yourself that will be the biggest mistake of your life. Choose the person wisely because no matters what you have to fight. Communication is very important like a tree needs water same as a relationship. Never make excuses be


Every day we come across the word comparison either by seeing something or by comparing because we all compare ourselves with everyone. Let me tell you a story about a butterfly who has beautiful wings but she was not knowing that she is beautiful and she always compares herself with everyone and feels bad. One day a person came and told her that she is beautiful.  She believed and got happy. It happens with us also we never believe in ourselves. We always compare ourselves with everyone like if someone has more than you then you get sad but you get happy if someone is having less than you. Ask yourself is the correct way No No No                                                  Just you need to see how unique you are and what all abilities you have. It's a reminder to stop comparing yourself and be like where I am, I need to work on myself. Life is not what you see but it's what you live. Enjoy every moment of your life, motivate yourself and when it's a bad day just remem