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Showing posts from November, 2021

A Day

Every day before sleeping we think of a good day and plan things accordingly but the next day we become lazy and stop caring about things and leave with phones always and never make a positive day. A question comes what do we do?                                                            First, leave your bed because if you are still on the bed and want to make a day productive you cannot because it makes you feel warm and you become lazy but later you realize that you have not done anything today. Always do one thing that will cherish you and make you smile because when you do so, it gives a positive attitude for a better tomorrow and never goes to bed with a bad mood because it disturbs you for the next whole day. Life is always not perfect, every day new challenges come and we face them because a problem comes with thousand of solutions and we need to find a proper solution.                      Always motivate yourself because this will encourage you to do more because there is no