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Showing posts from September, 2020


Try to manage your day by scheduling it. So, that you can give time to everything. Make one thing as priority in your LIFE and do that everyday. When you get free just check how much you did today. Where was fault which will help you to grow. As we can see we have a hectic schedule everybody. We cannot give time  to the things in our life. We get more frustrated because of the things around us. It's time we take life as easy so that we can enjoy our life as we want. Try to make a schedule like that which involve everything and make life as easy as we want. Because we can't control outside but we can control our self by not thinking so much on one thing. We get scared of loneliness as when we sit alone only negative things come in our mind. We have to think in another way by thinking jokes,funny things which makes us laugh. We have to give time to our family as well as friends because everything is important in our life.Everyday is a new challenge, try to be happy so that our mi


 Do you know life is not same for everybody. People who say you that they understand you. It's all lie. No one can understand you better than yourself. Today i learn something which made changes in my life that nothing can stop you. Your life is a paper and you are a artist. It depends on you that how you fill colors in that how you move all your life. Everyone is unique. Don't follow everyone, try something different. So, that people can know you. People can follow you .