Once there was two swans. the elder one was JAM and younger one was SAM. SAM was very rude and arrogant. He keeps fighting with his brother but JAM always stays calm and take care of SAM. One day SAM left the house and went somewhere. Both SAM and JAM have one one kids .when SAM went he took his kid with himself. As day passes, JAM was very sad because SAM was not there. One day JAM kid was moving in water with his father and suddenly he lost . he was very worried because he was not able to remember the way . Suddenly he saw his brother. He was so happy meeting his brother after so many years. suddenly the hunter came to catch both swans . They got so tensed as both of them were lost. there was a cave both swans went there . At night, SAM and JAM got worried because their sons didn't came back and it was too late. then SAM thought JAM took his son because he left the house . He went to jam and said "Why u kidnapped my son, Why you are ...